Fighter Pilots fly their way into CP

SLUSHY, CP Army League HQ – A new army gets into the ranks of CP. After the closure of several of the CPPS’ including CPO, we’ve seen a decreased amount in new armies being registered to CPAL. However, we’ve had the pleasure of bringing in the Fighter Pilots to the CPAL community. Read more to learn about the Fighter Pilots of CP. 

Created on the 25th of May 2020, the Fighter Pilots of CP gained 100 members in less than a week, led by Semi, Jenn and (promoted yesterday) Ana, the Pilots are verified on CPAL and CPAM but yet to be put into CPATG. With help from their allies, the Golden Troops, they maxed an incredible 22 on their verification event.

The Fighter Pilots’ verification event, maxing 22

The Fighter Pilots have started out big but will continue growing and maxing more. With the help of their allies, Golden Troops and Silver Empire, they will reach great heights and undoubtedly make it into the Top 10. 

Semis’ first announcement regarding making the server a welcoming place

He promises his troops that it will be a place where people can talk freely and joke around. It is a hard time for the Fighter Pilots to start up their server and gain new members due to CPO and other CPPS’ shutting down which makes gaining members much harder, yet the Fighter Pilots have about 100 members.

Learn more about the Semi and the Fighter Pilots in the Interview Section.

Interview with Fighter Pilots Leader, Semi

CPAL:How did you get to the idea of creating the Fighter Pilots? Why did you think of Jenn first when you wanted someone to help you create the server?

Semi:Well uh lmao so I told Jenn that I was gonna start an army and we were both like wow and then she asked what name and I didn’t know. I said “candies of cp?” although that was pretty stupid yk so then Jenn said that if they were pilots it would be “hot affffff” and I chose Jenn because I thought that her potential was never really recognized in her past armies, and she’s a good friend of mine.

CPAL:What is your opinion on your troops’ first appearance at the verification event?

Semi:We did amazing. Thankfully some of my friends at GT had already decided to become allies, and they told their troops to come help out, along with our allies in the Silver Empire. Maxing 20 at our first event was something that I never could’ve believed that could happen and I’m super thankful to everyone. And cliff was there so that was pretty cool ig.

CPAL:Do you think your allies will boost you to the top or can you do this independently?

Semi:Well tbh we love our allies but we can do sh** on our own yk. We will help them and they will be great allies but we will be the top of the allies so yeah ig. I mean we’re already maxing more than some s/m armies so that’s cool

CPAL:Do you think you’ll be involved in any wars or invasions soon?

Semi: Well we better get some land because pilots gotta look good on that map yk yk and like since this is the last question we started this army despite no stable cpps because who tf really cares tbh we just wanna have fun and now we’re succesful so you tell me. But on the side of wars, hopefully not.

CPAL:Is there anything else you’d like to say?

Semi:I’d like to say that if we had done this in like two days it would’ve been an article but Ana got promoted to leader so that was pretty fun. 🙂

The Fighter Pilots are off to a good start. With the leaders Semi, Jenn and Ana they will surely fly above them all.

The Fighter Pilots at their first event


What do YOU think? Will the Pilots reach a spot in the Top Ten and become a Major army or will they keep their spot as a S/M army? They managed to gain about 100 members in less than a week. Will they continue with this amazing effort or not? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!

Cp Army League Reporter in Training

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CP Army League Board of Directors

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